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   I am an interdisciplinary Teaching artist from Norman Oklahoma. I combine printmaking with other mediums and found objects to create works that explore the impacts of hierarchy and power structures on the human emotional experience.

   Continuing themes in my work explore sensory overwhelm, autistic burnout, mental anguish, as well as the incredible joy experienced by having heightened sensory experiences as a neurodivergent person. I find these feelings of overwhelm and anxiety undeniably linked to the stresses of living in a capitalist society focused on production and individualism.

   My works use bold, graphic lines, high contrast, and energetic marks to convey energy and mood as I layer materials to build on the nuanced layering of sensation and emotion. My processes tend to focus on meditative methods of reduction or playful layering and exploration, problem-solving around what materials I have to upcycle around me as opposed to acquiring new materials, in direct opposition of the impulse to consume and produce created by the culture of capitalism that is at the heart of my sensory overwhelm.

   Art is an incredible tool for me to create visual language where I don’t have the words for what I’m processing and a life-long therapeutic process by which I allow my mind to finally become quiet as my hands become busy.

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